Match Scores for June 20, 2009

Clean Match: Grizzly Bear Pete, Nunica Kid, Wolverine Jack                                        
    Overall Final                                        
Alias Class Rank Finish Time Stage 1 M1 P1 Stage 2 M2 P2 Stage 3 M3 P3 Stage 4 M4 P4 Bonus Stage 5 M4 P5 Stage 6 M6 P6 Bonus
Deuce Stevens Cowboy 1 107.76 15.58 0 0 19.11 1 0 15.99 0 0 16.86 0 0 1 17.54 0 0 22.68 0 0 0
Doc Noper 49er 2 125.68 17.89 0 0 24.98 1 0 18.68 0 0 18.31 0 0 0 20.49 0 0 20.33 1 0 1
Lightning Wayne Senior Traditional 3 132.72 20.29 0 0 21.74 0 0 20.86 1 0 20.60 0 0 1 27.84 1 0 21.39 0 0 1
Doc Roy L. Pain Duelist 4 150.38 29.75 1 0 24.68 1 0 21.46 0 0 29.64 0 0 1 22.29 0 0 22.56 0 0 1
Nunica Kid 49er 5 154.12 26.47 0 0 24.58 0 0 31.69 0 0 28.17 0 0 0 23.20 0 0 25.01 0 0 1
Hair Trigger Elden Silver Senior 6 157.07 22.88 2 0 30.57 1 0 20.13 0 0 21.94 0 1 1 24.16 0 0 22.39 0 0 1
K J Stevens Cowgirl 7 158.77 23.23 2 0 24.43 0 0 25.27 1 0 21.39 0 0 1 23.22 0 0 31.23 1 0 1
Bad River Marty Gunfighter 8 159.57 20.59 0 0 25.21 3 0 25.83 0 1 19.84 0 0 1 21.25 1 0 21.85 0 0 0
Ruby Red Jo Senior Lady Traditional 9 165.15 23.91 0 0 28.38 2 0 25.30 1 0 26.59 0 0 1 25.91 0 0 30.06 0 0 1
Lucky Lennie Senior Duelist 10 174.73 26.48 0 0 35.14 0 0 31.97 1 0 32.21 0 0 1 27.74 0 0 26.19 0 0 1
Card Shark Charlie 49er 11 175.45 26.72 0 0 26.55 0 0 28.21 0 0 28.92 0 0 0 31.77 2 0 28.28 0 0 1
Pinky Buscadero Lady "B" Western 12 181.29 28.18 1 0 31.16 1 0 34.75 0 0 29.67 0 0 1 27.82 0 0 29.71 0 0 1
Ketchum Quick Wrangler 13 181.82 29.68 0 0 28.71 1 0 27.30 0 0 20.14 0 0 0 21.70 1 0 24.29 5 0 1
Riverview Rattler 49er 14 182.20 29.71 0 0 29.44 2 0 32.14 0 0 27.63 1 0 1 26.76 0 0 31.52 0 0 1
Shoulda Dun Gun 49er 15 185.62 19.03 0 0 36.65 4 0 25.62 0 0 19.94 1 0 0 27.47 3 0 21.91 0 0 1
Avalanche Andy Wrangler 16 188.62 25.98 2 0 25.85 1 0 25.81 0 0 22.68 1 1 0 24.05 0 0 34.25 0 0 0
Ledge Lady Lady 49er 17 203.66 35.64 1 0 36.94 0 0 39.36 1 0 28.71 0 0 1 29.52 0 0 33.49 0 0 1
Beer Belly Willie Senior Gunfighter 18 206.15 28.68 1 0 34.56 3 0 35.00 0 0 28.48 1 0 1 33.09 1 0 26.34 0 0 1
Snareman Gunfighter 19 208.43 26.29 0 0 33.26 2 0 41.93 0 0 38.04 1 0 1 31.40 0 0 32.51 0 0 1
Two Rig A Tony Senior Traditional 20 208.58 31.62 2 0 28.14 1 0 29.16 0 0 27.64 1 0 0 23.73 0 0 48.29 1 0 1
Ringo Wiguns Elder Statesmen 21 216.81 32.48 1 0 34.53 1 0 34.14 1 0 38.40 0 0 0 33.30 0 0 28.96 0 0 0
Split Aces Silver Senior 22 219.72 27.72 2 0 46.08 1 0 36.85 0 0 39.24 0 0 1 32.40 0 0 32.43 0 0 1
Cousin Gary Silver Senior 23 220.31 33.78 1 0 37.62 1 0 37.78 0 0 37.02 0 0 1 34.68 0 0 34.43 0 0 0
Laporte Lil Senior Gunfighter 24 231.34 39.00 0 0 40.53 1 0 35.58 0 0 35.13 0 0 1 34.42 1 0 41.68 0 0 0
Goodshots Gettem Elder Statesmen 25 232.74 33.05 0 0 40.79 3 0 35.36 0 0 32.55 0 0 1 38.31 0 0 42.68 0 0 0
West Virginia Slim Silver Senior 26 232.85 43.46 3 0 36.99 0 0 31.41 1 0 30.01 0 0 0 38.00 0 0 37.98 0 0 1
No Cattle Senior Traditional 27 234.15 32.19 2 0 37.60 0 0 33.09 0 0 33.23 1 0 1 35.83 1 0 42.21 2 0 1
Michigan Rattler Traditional 28 238.78 34.24 0 0 51.22 0 0 35.00 0 0 35.36 2 0 0 34.83 1 0 38.13 0 0 1
Secondhand Jack Silver Senior 29 239.17 35.84 0 0 43.49 0 0 35.32 1 0 43.34 0 0 1 38.47 0 0 42.71 1 0 1
No Buk Chuck Senior Traditional 30 240.51 23.83 0 0 30.83 7 0 33.85 2 0 29.86 0 1 1 26.91 1 2 25.23 0 0 1
Dakota Fats "B" Western 31 252.38 39.60 1 0 43.53 1 0 36.27 0 0 39.00 0 0 0 47.24 0 0 41.74 0 0 1
Elsie Rose Lady 49er 32 259.46 38.24 0 0 42.77 1 0 38.30 1 0 42.12 0 0 1 42.58 2 0 40.45 0 0 0
Wolverine Jack Elder Statesmen 33 281.99 44.52 0 0 55.94 0 0 44.57 0 0 50.75 0 0 1 47.79 0 0 48.42 0 0 1
Steve the Gun Guru Frontier Cartridge 34 285.41 42.27 0 0 51.23 1 0 45.58 0 0 44.11 2 1 1 48.34 0 0 38.88 0 0 1
Tessa Two Gunner Lady Wrangler 35 286.51 38.07 0 0 40.17 3 0 36.70 1 0 61.46 1 1 1 41.95 0 0 38.16 0 0 0
Black Mountain Ranger Cowboy 36 296.42 42.41 2 0 51.11 3 0 49.35 0 0 39.41 0 0 0 37.22 1 0 31.92 2 1 1
Iron Burner Silver Senior 37 301.69 56.03 2 0 48.77 0 0 45.29 0 0 54.78 1 0 1 43.70 0 0 43.12 1 0 1
Lainey Mae Lady 49er 38 305.71 53.62 5 0 41.72 0 0 56.23 1 0 36.30 1 0 0 35.92 0 0 46.92 0 0 0
Shadow Warrior Traditional 39 307.36 44.54 0 0 56.53 0 0 52.07 0 0 69.58 0 0 1 50.73 0 0 43.91 1 0 1
Mt Forest Ron Traditional 40 317.89 48.04 0 0 47.89 1 0 45.26 1 0 46.94 1 0 1 59.89 3 0 44.87 1 0 1
Half Step 49er 41 320.88 48.33 0 0 51.78 4 0 46.59 2 0 45.96 0 0 1 57.99 2 0 40.23 0 0 1
Gameboy Buckaroo 42 337.48 59.81 0 0 66.04 0 0 49.82 0 0 50.93 0 0 1 57.06 1 0 48.82 1 0 0
Red Keg Will Silver Senior 43 354.78 58.99 0 0 58.42 2 0 53.69 1 0 58.24 0 0 1 57.32 2 0 48.12 1 0 1
Lady Bluebird Traditional Lady 44 360.90 42.90 2 0 49.22 0 0 48.07 2 0 45.00 1 0 0 60.82 5 0 54.89 3 0 1
Grizzly Bear Pete Elder Statesmen 45 365.44 58.04 0 0 71.56 0 0 56.53 0 0 63.59 0 0 0 67.23 0 0 53.49 0 0 1
Crazy Nate Buckaroo 46 397.24 61.88 1 0 64.67 1 0 61.32 0 0 65.17 0 0 1 68.70 0 0 70.50 1 0 1
Blazin Blake Buckaroo 47 401.51 51.19 3 0 62.09 3 0 52.25 4 0 64.53 3 0 0 52.87 1 0 53.58 0 0 1
Poppy Frazier 49er 48 401.75 69.76 0 0 72.10 0 0 76.05 0 0 56.97 0 0 1 61.52 1 0 60.35 1 0 0
Deacon Pat Senior Traditional 49 444.55 67.61 0 0 77.94 0 0 80.12 0 0 82.02 0 0 1 79.06 0 0 62.80 1 0 1
Pillsbury Bandit Buckaroo 50 482.32 66.29 3 1 81.46 2 0 66.01 2 0 73.08 0 1 0 62.63 0 0 72.85 2 0 1
Dead Red Steve Buckaroo 51 488.89 63.62 4 0 70.58 4 0 87.03 3 0 80.36 2 0 1 66.22 0 0 61.08 0 0 0
Ranger Tom Silver Senior 52 497.25 74.94 0 0 71.23 0 0 101.63 2 0 105.64 0 0 1 72.52 0 0 56.29 1 1 1
Odd Eye "B" Western 53 581.57 104.40 5 0 76.78 2 0 97.97 1 0 79.12 4 0 1 84.10 2 0 64.20 2 0 0


Class Class Finish Alias Final Time Overall Finish
"B" Western        
  1 Dakota Fats 252.38 31
  2 Odd Eye 581.57 53
  1 Doc Noper 125.68 2
  2 Nunica Kid 154.12 5
  3 Card Shark Charlie 175.45 11
  4 Riverview Rattler 182.20 14
  5 Shoulda Dun Gun 185.62 15
  6 Half Step 320.88 41
  7 Poppy Frazier 401.75 48
  1 Gameboy 337.48 42
  2 Crazy Nate 397.24 46
  3 Blazin Blake 401.51 47
  4 Pillsbury Bandit 482.32 50
  5 Dead Red Steve 488.89 51
  1 Deuce Stevens 107.76 1
  2 Black Mountain Ranger 296.42 36
  1 K J Stevens 158.77 7
  1 Doc Roy L. Pain 150.38 4
Elder Statesmen        
  1 Ringo Wiguns 216.81 21
  2 Goodshots Gettem 232.74 25
  3 Wolverine Jack 281.99 33
  4 Grizzly Bear Pete 365.44 45
Frontier Cartridge        
  1 Steve the Gun Guru 285.41 34
  1 Bad River Marty 159.57 8
  2 Snareman 208.43 19
Lady "B" Western        
  1 Pinky Buscadero 181.29 12
Lady 49er        
  1 Ledge Lady 203.66 17
  2 Elsie Rose 259.46 32
  3 Lainey Mae 305.71 38
Lady Wrangler        
  1 Tessa Two Gunner 286.51 35
Senior Duelist        
  1 Lucky Lennie 174.73 10
Senior Gunfighter        
  1 Beer Belly Willie 206.15 18
  2 Laporte Lil 231.34 24
Senior Lady Traditional        
  1 Ruby Red Jo 165.15 9
Senior Traditional        
  1 Lightning Wayne 132.72 3
  2 Two Rig A Tony 208.58 20
  3 No Cattle 234.15 27
  4 No Buk Chuck 240.51 30
  5 Deacon Pat 444.55 49
Silver Senior        
  1 Hair Trigger Elden 157.07 6
  2 Split Aces 219.72 22
  3 Cousin Gary 220.31 23
  4 West Virginia Slim 232.85 26
  5 Secondhand Jack 239.17 29
  6 Iron Burner 301.69 37
  7 Red Keg Will 354.78 43
  8 Ranger Tom 497.25 52
  1 Michigan Rattler 238.78 28
  2 Shadow Warrior 307.36 39
  3 Mt Forest Ron 317.89 40
Traditional Lady        
  1 Lady Bluebird 360.90 44
  1 Ketchum Quick 181.82 13
  2 Avalanche Andy 188.62 16